Hey All,


We've had a weird thing that has been happening lately on various phones
(Verizon, Sprint and AT&T) in the enterprise.  Various users (not all of
them) would completely lose access to the internet via their BB.  Every
page they would attempt to go to they would get Error 400.  The remedy
we've found was to take them off our MDS and point them to Internet
Browser (Options > Adv. Options > Browser ).  Also changing the default
browser to match the MDS one.  


Also any 'favorites' that they had do not work now.  We have to clear
cache and favorites then have user recreate the favorites.  


This might serve as a how to for you if this happens to you.  We are all
scratching our heads here because we aren't seeing anything in the logs
for the >12 users that this has been happening to.  


Mark Eggan | ITS Help Desk | 259 -8142

Information Systems Specialist II

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