In general don't run groups of lines from an ijs window. Always run the entire script. Occasionally use ctrl+r to run a particular line.

In general a script should contain only defintions. Do executions and experiments in the ijx window. For more complicated things have an ijs window that just does the executions and experiments at hand. The main script has the bulk of definitions and the play script just has a very few lines that are the executions of current interest. The play script bits may get discarded or may get moved to the definition script.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Joey K Tuttle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Beta forum" <>
Cc: "Beta forum" <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 5:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Jbeta] J IDE

At 11:54  -0700 2006/05/31, Oleg Kobchenko wrote:
this is why intead of Ctrl+W, I use Ctrl+S Ctrl+W
 - Open find: Ctrl+F
 - Type word
 - Press enter to find
Issue: default button is "Find from Top",
    I believe it should be "Find Next"

Found word. Now want to find next word.
Issue: expect to press the same key
(in many viewers it's F3 for initial find
and all the Next, and Shift+F3 or F7 is find new)
or an "adjesent" key, like Ctrl+G.
Instead need to use mouse (horrible) or press
Ctrl+F just to return to the dialog box.

Now want to dismiss the dialog.
Press Escape -- instead the script
window closes -- this is a major setback.
So need to press Ctrl+F Escape, or
use mouse.

BTW, autoclosing scripts on Escape is an annoyance
rather than convenience.

Issues like these are on top of the fact that j is the
only Mac application (that I use) which uses <cntrl> at
all for these things. The command (Apple/Splat) key is
used instead of control. Modifiers for 3+key chords use
either the option/alt key or sometimes the Shift and/or
control. As someone pointed out, I suppose I can look
into hacking these things to replace cntrl with splat...

As I write this, I tried an experiment. I tried to copy
some examples from an email authored by Roger. Because of
the control/command issues, I had to use command+c to
copy 4 lines, then control+v to paste them (or use the
dreaded mouse) - but then my real complaints begin. If I
do that in a Darwin terminal/jconsole session:

  1. command+c command+v is consistent between the
     two applications (this isn't a complaint)
  2. the 4 lines are copied into the input line of
     the session and are executed sequentially.

In the jIDE after stumbling through step 1, I have to
mess around bringing things into an input area one at
a time. At every turn I find things like this that annoy...

Even pasting one line, I have to make sure not to bring
the EOL with it, or I have to copy it down to execute it.
This is quite different from any other application I use.
(Including j in a terminal/jconsole session).

I take it that Linux GUI users find these less troublesome
than Mac users. But they are deal killers for me, except
as I said before, running labs, demos, etc.

- joey
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