> On Sep 24, 2022, at 3:20 AM, Bjørn Mork <bj...@mork.no> wrote:
> Philip Prindeville <philipp_s...@redfish-solutions.com> writes:
>> How many ISP's squelch DNSSEC like that?  I hope it's not a common practice!
> More common than you'd like to think.  See Geoff's excellent world map
> at https://stats.labs.apnic.net/dnssec
> Note that no validation implies no signatures for downstream resolvers.
> Which makes the non-validating resolvers useless in a forwarder
> statements, like you discovered.  And useless in many other situations
> as well.  You can't do DANE for example.
> FWIW, we (as in Telenor Norway) enabled validation in 2015, along with
> most of the other major Norwegian ISPs, after being educated with a
> sufficiently powerful LART by the local domain registry (NORID).  They
> invited all the local resolver operators for a workshop in May 2015,
> focusing on the importance of validation. This is the primary reason
> Norway is green on that map..
> I must admit I was a bit worried in the beginning.  But we've had
> surprisingly few problems. And no major issues AFAIR.
> There's really no reason to avoid dnssec-validation in 2022.  Just go
> poke your ISP if they've disabled it.
> Bjørn
> -- 

So... was 2019 the year that Netflix had no Norwegian viewers?  ;-)

Nice job Saudi Arabia, BTW... 2nd highest rank after SJ which doesn't really 


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