
> So, currently there are 4 potential places for bugs to be reported
> 1 - jenkins (and unit tests)
> 2 - git
> 3 - mailing list
> 4 - forum (bitcointalk...)
> 5? - is there still the ability to add bugs via sourceforge?

Currently github is the authoritative place to report issues. When
someone reports a bug on the mailing list, IRC or forum, they are
generally asked to make a github issue (or, someone else makes the
issue for them). Failed tests are generally also reported on github,
by the pull tester.

We currently have 232 issues, mostly classified into categories such
as "Bug", "Improvement", "GUI", "Wallet", and so on.

Also it's easy to refer to github issues in commits with #123, with
automatic linking.

I'm not sure it is worth the effort to move to another system
(especially if you need a another login etc...). But I'm probably
misunderstanding what you're trying to do.


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