This sounds like Namecoin. You can already register profiles with it,
including keypairs. is a web-based client you can use to
register on the Namecoin blockchain.

On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 1:14 PM, Chris D'Costa <> wrote:
> Security of transmission of person-to-person pay-to addresses is one of the 
> use cases that we are addressing on our hardware wallet.
> I have yet to finish the paper but in a nutshell it uses a decentralised 
> ledger of, what we refer to as, "device keys".
> These keys are not related in any way to the Bitcoin keys, (which is why I'm 
> hesitating about discussing it here) neither do they even attempt to identify 
> the human owner if the device. But they do have a specific use case and that 
> is to provide "advanced knowledge" of a publickey that can be used for 
> encrypting a message to an intended recipient, without the requirement for a 
> third-party CA, and more importantly without prior dialogue. We think it is 
> this that would allow you to communicate a pay-to address to someone without 
> seeing them in a secure way.
> As I understand it the BlockChain uses "time" bought through proof of work to 
> establish a version of the truth, we are using time in the reverse sense : 
> advanced knowledge of all pubkeys. Indeed all devices could easily check 
> their own record to identify problems on the ledger.
> There is of course more to this, but I like to refer to the "distributed 
> ledger of device keys" as the "Web-of-trust re-imagined" although that isn't 
> strictly true.
> Ok there you have it. The cat is out of the bag, feel free to give feedback, 
> I have to finish the paper, apologies if it is not a topic for this list.
> Regards
> Chris D'Costa
>> On 31 Mar 2014, at 12:21, vv01f <> wrote:
>> Some users on bitcointalk[0] would like to have their vanity addresses
>> available for others easily to find and verify the ownership over a kind
>> of WoT. Right now they sign their own addresses and quote them in the
>> forums.
>> As I pointed out there already the centralized storage in the forums is
>> not secury anyhow and signed messages could be swapped easily with the
>> next hack of the forums.
>> Is that use case taken care of in any plans already?
>> I thought about abusing pgp keyservers but that would suit for single
>> vanity addresses only.
>> It seems webfinger could be part of a solution where servers of a
>> business can tell and proof you if a specific address is owned by them.
>> [0]
>> [1]
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