At 09:43 PM 3/17/2010, you wrote:
>I would try probios or a type of it or just mix some colustrum in her bottle.  
>I have fed colustrum ro bottle babies for over 8 weeks to keep their gut 
>healthy.  It works on some and some it doesn't.
>Cecil in OKla

Yes, Pro-biotics would be a good idea, also try kaolin-pectin to stop up her 
system a bit, and make sure she gets electrolytes.  It seems like she's too 
young to have worms, but I always worry about coccidia in lambs/kids.  
Sulfadimethoxine(just about every feed store carries it) treats coccidiosis 
well, but IMO you should stay away from Corrid(amprolium), because of side 

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