Randy McMurchy wrote these words on 03/31/05 11:22 CST:

> I am updating BLFS to the current version (4.4) of the DocBook XML
> DTD. This will render tonight on Belgarath and be available on the
> mirrors Friday morning.
> So, once I hear from Matt, I'll know that everything is good and
> I'll perform the update on *all* the BLFS XML sources in trunk.
> What this means to the Editors and anyone else who wishes to render
> the BLFS book is that you'll need to install the 4.4 DTD on your
> local systems.

I've not heard back from Matt yet, but I checked the LFS source files
in SVN and they reference the 4.4 DTD. I checked on Belgarath and
the 4.4 DTD is installed. Everything appears to be a go with the
conversion of the BLFS sources to the 4.4 DTD.

One thing for you folks that have build scripts. Update your scripts
to add a new Element to your script. There's a new element, the
htmltblx element. I'm not sure if this is/would be referenced by
anything but it is a new addition to the build script.


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