Hi Gary,

Not promising it will work, but as a possible solution/method for explaining 
this: You could ask him to stand facing directly towards a radio which is 
playing music, he'll at this point recognise the radio/sound is directly in 
front of him. Then ask him to turn slowly to face left, as he turns he should 
hear himself turning away from the sound of the  radio, when he is facing left 
he will notice that although he has turned the radio has stayed in the same 
position, where as before the sound was directly in front of him the 
radio/sound should now be to the right, hopefully a physical experiment like 
this will allow him to see/hear first-hand how objects positions stay the same 
even when you yourself move. Although everyone is different, I tend to find 
practical demonstrations  (like this with the radio) can be easier to grasp if 
someone can experience it first hand, rather than trying to verbally explain 
something which is very physical in nature  like this, as it can sometimes 
avoid people overthinking or over complicating something. the second advantage 
of this technique is that Since we use similar navigation hints/queues  in 
audio games this might feel more familiar to him. Again, knot promising this 
will definitely help, but just thought I'd throw a possible suggestion  out 

Paul Lemm

-----Original Message-----
From: blind-gamers@groups.io <blind-gamers@groups.io> On Behalf Of Gary 
Sent: 16 August 2020 17:20
To: Blind Gamers Group <blind-gamers@groups.io>
Subject: [blind-gamers] Update on explaining the compass for Damien.

Well everyone, now I seriously don't know what else to try with Damien!

Get this, he can understand basic directions, up down left/right.

But now he can't grasp the concept of objects been in different places when you 
change direction!

So how on earth can I explain that one?

He's even stumpt John who's been helping me out with Shades of Doom.

But I've even tried breaking level one down into little stages. Nope, he still 
doesn't get it!

Any ideas welcomed!

Anyway just an update.

Gary Price.
This is my backup Email address.

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