If it's muds you're after, 3k is a decent one, (3k.org 3000), or it's sister mud at 3scapes.org  Many ports are available, for 3k and 3scapes, 3scapes started out as a clone of 3k, but it's since evolved into it's own entity.  I personally hate muds where roll play is mandetory.  I don't mind ones where it's encouraged, but ones where it's mandetory just irks the hell out of me, because those are generally ones based on either diku style muds, or mush style ones, neither one of which I really care for all that much, and having to stay in character all the time just because or you'll get repremanded, up to and including loosing your character is just too much for me.  I work hard enough to advance my character, and to loose it because some idiot decides I'm not roll playing my character well enough just isn't my thing, and before you ask, yes that has happened to me, so I ignore roll play required muds like the plague.  I also tend to avoid muds where admins are jerks, because it's always likely you'll run into him/her/it at some point, and I'm not one for keeping my mouth shut, and that's lost me characters too over the years.  I also hate the muds where commands don't follow the natural progression muds have built up over the last 40 years of mudding etiquette, because if you've played those muds where the commands were standard, and you do manage to get your character to a high enough level that you can actually tackle risky mobs, then because of some stupid command words that don't match the rest of the mudding world, you can't heal your character because you can't remember the command to heal it, then you loose levels, xp, and life counts just because some idiot admin thought it would be cute to make their command set different from 99 percent of the other muds out there, and poof, all that hard work you've put into the character is lost just like that.

Don't get me wrong, I have no issue with muds adding unique areas/commands/characters, (lost souls is a really good example of this), but when those custom commands prevent me from doing the thing that is required for no other reason than the admins liked the idea of being different, that frustrates me enough that I won't play that mud ever again, and yes, that's happened to me too.  But I guess when you've been mudding for more than 30 years, these kinds of things happen from time to time.

I used to absolutely love lostsouls.org, but several years ago, they expanded the mud so much, it probably trippled in size. Nothing wrong with that, but now it's impossible for me to find anything, even when I know where it used to be.  Even some of the roads they have don't lead anywhere, because the expansion just dropped them into a grasslands that goes nowhere.  After getting lost several times trying to go to well-known places, I gave up on that mud too, which was a shame, because I really liked that one, and had played it for over 20 years by the time I gave up on it.

It's hard to know what you'll like, and what you won't, until you try a few places, don't be afraid to check into the mud connector, dig out muds that look interesting, and give them a shot.  If it turns out you don't like one, that's ok, there's hundreds of them out there, keep looking until you find one you like.

Of course, then you may spend years and years advancing your character only to have it become so frustrating you absolutely have to bail, but at least you can enjoy it while it lasts.  I'm rather picky about the muds I will play now, but I used to play everything and anything I could find, no matter what it was, until my frustration factor got overruled by stupid/irrelevant items, at which point I left that mud, and moved on.  Of course, those items will be different for each person, and there's nothing saying what bugs the hell out of me won't thrill the next person, so take each review of a mud with a grain of salt, knowing it's presented through the perspective of the person who wrote it.  The number one rule of mudding is to have fun, if you try a mud and like it, have at it, if you try one and don't like it, no reason to hang around not enjoying yourself, move along and find something else. Sometimes I'll play a mud, get tired of it, move on, then years later, come back, and enjoy myself again, it's a constant battle to keep yourself entertained, so don't scrimp on the choices you have.  I.E. don't skip trying a mud just because it doesn't have a blind friendly interface, most muds can be made to be more friendly with some work, and most (to be perfectly honest) really don't need a separate blind user friendly interface if you know what you're doing, but for some, that extra touch by the admins to make it friendly to blind users makes the mud that much more attractive to some players, and that's fine, but don't discount a mud just because it doesn't have one.  Over the years, I've come to the conclusion that diku style muds just aren't my thing, even though I ran one for a while, and even produced my own version of one at one point too, it's just that I don't like circle/diku/merc/rom/envy/tartarus/godworld/yard muds, because I don't like their interface, and ZI'd played so many, I used to be able to log into one, and in less than an hour my character would be level 10 without me doing hardly any work, that's no challenge to me, and I much prefer challenges, and I like uniqueness, and most diku style muds are not unique in the least.  For some, that may be a good thing, for me though, it's a minus, so I don't play those anymore.  I tend to like LPC style muds where each world is different, and each mud brings it's own interpretation to the genre.

On 12/1/2020 10:48 PM, Cynthya BrianKate wrote:
    Hi there, thanks for your replies.
    I did try Alter Aeon for half a year, but couldn't get anywhere with it.  got wrecked by their mandatory multiclassing system, which kinda makes rocket science seem easy, and wound up with a character permanently plateaued where she can't progress any further without literally either millions or is it tens of millions of XP with no real way to get them without grouping help.  Pity, I did like it when it was good to me.     As for Ateraan new worlds, I've only tried it for an hour and haven't fully finished creating my first real character, but I like what have found so far and people there do seem nice.  Will try to avoid whoever that admin dude is you warned me about.  I'm gonna see how well I do there.     Any other ideas are always welcome too, I'd rather have multiple games than one home game after my recent experience with my home game going into player drought.
    Thanks, Cynthya

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