Hi All,

We obtained another estimate from a basement waterproofing company!
This estimate came in at $5800, and $7000, if we add another sump pump and a 
back-up battery system.
This company will only take care of the work inside of the house; they are 
talking about putting a drain tile system, around the entire perimeter of 
the basement, installing a pit with a sump pump in it.  They told us, by 
measuring the water levels in the house, that we have 3.5 feet of water, 
within our cinderblock walls.
They stated that they would drill holes in the cinderblocks at the bottom 
that would drain out all of the water that's currently in the walls, into 
the drainage system they would build.
Is it possible that cinderblock can hold such large amounts of water like 
this?  They indicated this is partially the cause of our basement always 
smelling damp and mildewy!
Okay, so this is only an inside system; they will not fix foundation 
problems outside or cracks on the floors or walls inside!
If we don't get the foundation issues resolved as well, which is what 
Everdry was talking about, what kind of continual damage will we have, to 
the structure and soundness of our home?

We have two more companies coming out, but the first can't come, until 
10-17, and the second can't come until 10-27.

On another note, the drain in our laundry room has finally been cleared out; 
there was a lot of gook and sediment in there, from when we got all the 
water; I am again able to wash clothes, and our washer is finally set up, 
the way it should have been, from the beginning.


Join either of my groups; the first is for visually-impaired women, while 
the other is for people wishing to discuss homemaking issues.

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