Hi Bubli, thanks for raising the issue.

On 12/01/2017 12:24, Katarina Behrens wrote:

> At the very least, in the absence of "real" code of conduct, a clear and 
> concise public statement (in what particular form, I don't quite care) should 
> be made by TDF that such behaviour ( = harassment, stalking, etc.) is not 
> going to be tolerated and the offenders are not going to get away with it.

I think we should have a real code of conduct. The community has grown
outside the traditional boundaries of FLOSS (where you might find only
nice people, although I am not sure at all), and as any sizeable
community extending the reach to social media should have a real code of
conduct (by the way, we usually have on for conferences, so it should
not be an issue to extend it to the community).

> Related to that, there is no plan of action (or not one that I'd know of) how 
> to deal with incidents and what steps to take (on mailing lists, IRC, social 
> networks etc.) when things go wrong. Sure, it's perfectly clear to me that 
> those plans don't work most of the time and every case has to be dealt with 
> individually (sometimes e.g. hangout featuring both affected parties and a 
> mediator is a good solution, sometimes it's the worst thing you can possibly 
> think of), ...

Finding a single policy is indeed almost impossible.

> But again, some public statement by TDF that incidents are going to be dealt 
> with, we're prepared to act and people are going to be helped when needed 
> should be made. It'd make people feel more safe. 

Let's work on a real code of conduct. There are many around which can
fit our needs, and we can use as a basis for ours.

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
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