That's a very good proposal Heiko.

Just some amendments:

(I guess only a few will answer LibreOffice Online as AFAIK isn't that
easy to build)
Maybe we should also add Collabora Code and Collabora Online?
I have several instances with Collabora Code as at present it's the only
available on platforms like Univention.

Maybe the following sounds better?
2 2 Should enterprises (and even individuals) be able to deploy their
own LibreOffice Online to have a self-hosted/cloud based collaborative
office suite?

4 I think lately Richard Stallman has been involved in controversial
stuff. Maybe it's safer to use Linus Torvalds to avoid comments?

We could also add the following questions to see if individuals would
sponsor the project and business users want/need paid for support services?

6 As individual users would you like to make a donation to TDF
specifically to support the development of LibreOffice Online?

7 As a business user would you prefer to use the paid for versions of
LibreOffice Online delivered and supported by partner organisations?



On 26/05/2020 14:43, Heiko Tietze wrote:
> Thanks for the input. The draft for a survey is on Nextcloud 
> Framing the questionnaire as input for future development we might get a 
> feeling what percentage of users is interested in LOOL. And hopefully some 
> have experienced success or failed and can reply what's needed for a 
> one-click installation.
> Cheers,
> Heiko

Paolo Vecchi - Deputy Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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