Hi Hossein,

thanks for your feedback and support.

I'll follow up shortly with you to see if your experience in joining the team as Developer Community Architect could provide further insights on how to best integrate and manage new in-house developers.



On 31/03/2022 07:32, Hossein Nourikhah wrote:

I've read most of the feedback emails, and I want to add these points:

1. The good thing about this proposal is that it addresses many of the declared concerns from the ecosystem companies. This is important because the ecosystem companies and their programmers have a big role in the LibreOffice development. The in-house developers will complement the companies' efforts.

2. Any action in this area may have some drawbacks. While it is good to provide means of minimizing possible problems, it is also good to talk about the price of NOT doing that action. In this case, facing hundreds of issues from 5 to 10 years ago that are still there is a real problem that we should not ignore. Addressing these issues will also benefit ecosystem companies.

3. Some of the mentioned problems and requirements for hiring an in-house developer such as management, accountability and things like that are also relevant for other recruiting attempts. But, I think this proposal should only target things that are specific to hiring developers, and not the general management principles and practices. On the other hand, because the in-house developers are supposed to work mostly on maintenance tasks that were ignored for a while, clear practices and performance indicators can be defined to guide and measure the success of the developers throughout the projects assigned to them. Adding these to the "project management" section of the proposal can help address the possible concerns.


Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
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