Hi Andreas, all,

On 30/05/2022 20.26, Andreas Mantke wrote:
Do you think that the workflow used there would be worth sharing in
more detail as something that might help in the TDF context as well?
the key were / are not magical tools (we use a messenger and regular
office file formats, e.g. pdf or odf etc.), but the people who drive it
forward. It was important that there are two / three group members which
lead the group and get the workflow running. This are managerial
functions which I expect e.g. from the chairman / -women of a group.

Thanks for sharing your experiences from another context.

And I want to add another point: you can not always discuss papers and
justify their text to the point where everyone is happy with it. You
could not postpone decisions. It is better to decide promptly.

Unanimity is not the key in the decision making process!

I generally agree, but still think it makes sense to try to find consensus where possible, even if some controversial aspects will remain and not everybody will be happy with every single aspect of the final decision in the end.

Best regards,

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