Hi Thorsten,

On 08/06/2022 22:35, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
Dear list,

Andreas Mantke wrote:
Interestingly I cannot remember TDF ever tendering for LibreOffice
Online work, can you please point me to the details?
TDF tendered in 2014/2015 the work for the Android editing, which was
explained to the board also as important for LOOL.

That seems to be a very technical argument (on both sides); in any
case I doubt that a discussion of something that happend 8 years ago
helps us in moving the developer hiring proposal forward.

Something that had a clear start, progression and support from TDF during the past 7 years shows the risks we may incur when different interests influence TDF and our community.

As such, lets please get back to the topic.

Paolo Vecchi wrote:
With a very odd timing the 02/06/2022 Mr Meeks added to the ESC agenda,
during the meeting, the request to actually kill LOOL. From the emails on
board-discuss it seems clear that that he doesn't want that in-house
developers to even thinking about reviving LOOL to make sure TDF cannot
promote even a basic version of it.

Same here - mixing lots of other topics into this discussion is not
useful in us making progress.

Promoting an ineffective and expensive way to get some mentors and the proposal of killing LOOL are related as coming from a single person that might have conflicting interests and is not even a member of the ESC.

It is also premature, since the ESC is still discussing the

There isn't and hasn't been much debate going on and the ESC has been asked to vote today about killing LOOL.

Debating the merits of the proposal should happen there, not
here (for the while). Unless the board wants to run its own, competing
motion for how to deal with the Online repo (which I would consider

IMHO the ESC should deal with purely engineering issues, the intervention from a non ESC members shows that it has been abused as a "political" tool.

What happened during the past 2 ESC meetings should be thoroughly investigated to see if undue influence from a conflicted party is an acceptable behaviour.


-- Thorsten



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
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