Hi Alex, Adolfo, all,

Thank you for the pointers to the bugreports!

More inline:

Alexander Thurgood píše v St 15. 06. 2022 v 10:26 +0200:

> It is neither a question of overblowing or "paranoia", (thanks for
> the 
> gratuitous comment by the way, in tdf#147130), but I raised the issue
> as 
> to where bugs for Collabora should be reported when it was first 
> released via the AppStore and was told, multiple times, and no less
> by 
> Michael Meeks himself, to report them in the LO BZ.

Regardless of my hat & the issue at hand, I'd support using the
LibreOffice bugzilla even for the downstream reports, because
ultimately, the code will end up in the LibreOffice repository either

The reason is that we (TDF hat) would like to have all the patches up-
streamed, even the packaging related ones (under the distro-
config/...).  Piling the down-stream patches in their own bug reporting
systems will only lead to problems long-term.

To avoid the feel that the bugzilla is misused, I think it might be
useful to create a categories for such bugs (where we don't have them
yet) - so that the volunteers can decide if they want to spend their
time on triaging such bug reports or not.

But ultimately - the categorization is up to the QA team to decide. 
Xisco - what is your take please?

> Seemingly, and without any other form of policy discussion, that has
> now 
> changed.
> Where is the due process in that decision ?

In general, when it seems that an existing code-related policy does not
fit, the best way is to bring it to the ESC so that the pro's and con's
can be properly discussed from the technical point of view.  In case
you think a decision is needed, it would be great to have you both
joining the meeting on Thursday, so that we can talk this through.

Either way - thank you so much Alex and Adolfo for your contributions,
much appreciate that! & hope this is all just a misunderstanding.

All the best,

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