I started looking at the form and found that it wasn't fillable. Fortunately, ANSSI was very responsive and sent me fillable versions of the form.

Unfortunately, the fillable PDF is 2.2 M in size. I am planning on posting rough drafts as I work on this for NeoOffice. Is git or the LibreOffice wiki a better place to handle sharing such a large file?


On 2/16/23 12:06 PM, Patrick Luby wrote:
On 2/16/23 11:34 AM, Caolán McNamara wrote:

FWIW: the ANSSI cert was mentioned in today's ESC. Minutes:
    + question from Patrick
    + had no time to look into that yet (Cloph)
    + will share info once TDF filed its papers

Thank you and the ESC for discussing my request.

Do I understand correctly that TDF hasn't submitted anything to ANSSI yet? If yes, I am happy to help research and/or draft text to spread the work around.

I may be wrong, but so far I think that the only non-system encryption that triggers the requirement to file a submission with ANSSI is that LibreOffice includes the following third-party packages on macOS and iOS:

- Mozilla's Network Security Services (NSS) (both macOS and iOS)
- OpenSSL (macOS only)

Did I miss any?


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