At 04:21 PM 6/26/2003, Brian McNamara wrote:

>While some of these names are ones that I have made up, and thus can be
>changed "on a whim" to lowercase versions, there are still two classes
>of naming issues which I hesitate to change:
>   Haskell names.  Many functoids (like enumFromTo, takeWhile, zipWith,
>   etc.) and datatypes (like Maybe) have the exact same names and
>   behavior as their counterparts in the Haskell programming language.
>   I've named them this way to cater to programmers coming from a
>   Haskell background, and am hesitant to change them.

Don't underrate Haskell programmers. The ones I know have the kind of minds where if you switched the names to pig latin, they wouldn't skip a beat.

>   Functoid types.  The obvious alternative to naming the type of a
>   functoid with a leading capital letter (e.g. "compose" has type
>   "Compose") is to add a suffix (e.g. make it so "compose" has type
>   "compose_type").  Functoid type names are used a lot, though, and I
>   am not fond of the idea of making the type names longer than the
>   names of the instances.

I personally dislike the use of _type in such cases, but I think consistent naming has enough advantages that it wins out over personal preferences. I probably won't vote against a library which used such names for Functoid types, particularly if it represented an important body of existing code, but why run the risk?

>I dunno if either of the examples above constitutes reason enough to
>bend the rules with regards to naming conventions, but I want to ask.

One case I'm aware of where it makes a lot of sense to bend the rules is with certain few mathematical names which traditionally changed meaning when their case changed. That's a pretty strong argument. But almost all other cases come down to personal preference rather than strong arguments.


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