At 07:23 04-10-2002 -0500, Adam Lipscomb wrote:

> > >Um, no.  You appear hell-bent upon reserving for yourself the right
> > >to define words the way you *want* to define them.
> >
> > Which, of course, cannot be said about the pro-Israel crowd...
>Ahh, so it's not *just* the Israelis, but all their friends, too?

 From the start of this discussion, I have been not been mentioning the 
Israelis but the pro-Israel crowd as the set of people who IMO misinterpret 
the meaning of the word "anti-Semite".

>Wow, Jeroen.  You sure do build up impressive enemies lists.

I have no problem with that. While I think the general pro-Israel crowd is 
not so much intolerant but merely heavily misguided, the fanatics in that 
group preach intolerance, and like every civilised human being, I despise 
intolerance. So, the only people on my enemies list are those that preach 

>Back to reality, though:  are you or are you not willing to accept
>that the term "anti-Semite" is, despite the *apparent* meaning of the
>term, most commonly used to describe anti-Jewish attitudes?
>If so, then problem solved.

I am not disputing that the term "anti-Semite" is often *used* to describe 
anti-Jewish attitudes; I am disputing that this particular meaning is the 
*correct* meaning.

>If not, the please explain why you do not acknowledge the definitive
>source on word usage in the English language.  Please attach links to
>scholarly papers you wrote to get you PhD in English, especially if
>they touch upon the inaccuracies you found in the OED.

Sorry, my PhD in English dates back to my pre-Internet years, so the 
documents are not available on-line.   :-)

Jeroen "Likud Delenda Est" van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:         


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