> From: Andrew Crystall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > Isn't that the (potential) problem?  You might be 
> "coherent" enough to
> > grab your gun and move.  But would you be "coherent" enough to
> > recognize that this wasn't a fight or flight situation? 
> I'm using a blade, remember. And I keep it OUT of reach when there 
> are prople I don't know in the house. I can still reach it inside a 
> second, but I have to THINK about it, and hence wake up a lot more.
> byt to be honest, it's not really applied to that. I was refering 
> there to threatening with weapon versus USING weapon.

OK.  I'll buy that.  However, I wasn't really replying only to "you".  I was
replying to everyone (onlist and off) who says they can wake up and use a
weapon to defend themselves without accidentally killing a family member...

 - jmh

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