Jan wrote:
> You still don't get that form jeroen (and other's) perspecitve what
was done
> to him did appear to be abusive. Can you not step outside your
norms, outside
> your own feelings and history? Can you not stretch to view anothers
> perspecitve? Maybe that skill is something you learn when you are
> than the majority. Maybe the necessity that I, and others, had to
leanred to
> translate perspectives just to get along with people has made this
easier for
> us, but I can't believe that you are incapable.
>  I am not saying what JvB did was right. No, I agree that many of
his actions
> were very wrong. He acted childishly and took things further than
most would.
> JvB is a poude person with a strong affinity for justice. He does
not back
> down easily or let himself be walked on.

Well, good for him.  I, and many others on this list, feel that he was
given many, many chances to amend his choices and retain membership in
this list.  He instead chose to act in such a way that made it quite
clear the he was not interested in justice, but rather in continuing
to be a major disruption to this community.  Since he's been banned,
he has continued to act in a way that makes it clear that he will not
let something as trivial as removal from a fricking mailing list rest,
and still has (last time I checked) maintained a web page that has the
personal contact information of several listmembers posted, along with
inflammatory language that makes it clear that he would not be unhappy
if there were real-life consequences to these people.  This is all
over a damn mailing list, mind you.

His "request" was a thinly veiled threat that promised that, if we
NEVER spoke of him again, he MIGHT stop mass emailing listmembers, and
me might even, if he was feeling sufficiently charitable, remove the
personal contact information of those listmembers mentioned above.

The ball is in his court - he needs to demonstrate good will and
maturity by ceasing the mass emailings (which appear to have stopped,
possibly because his ISP told him to stop) and removing his "Wall of

I don't need to see his perspective to know that he's a disruption to
this community, kind of like a belligerent drunk guy in a bar that
keeps slobbering on the other patrons, than, when he's ejected, stands
outside in the parking lot and screams abuse at the bartender.  Who
needs to see the world from the point of view of an angry, embittered
person that can't accept the consequences of his choices?

Adam C. Lipscomb
Read the blog.  Love the blog.


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