From: "Jan Coffey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

<snipped proposition from Jeroen>

I don't know that I trust him to live up to his end.  As long as he has
access to the list archives, I don't trust him to truly leave the list
alone.  I am fine with the suggestion.  The way I see it, the list was
already living up to that until he rang back in reply to a message I posted
that was not meant as an attack on him, I mearly repeated a comparison that
someone had made *off-list*.  I regret having posted that message for
various reasons and I have said as much in one of my replies to it.  The
list hasn't been engaging in any Jeroen-bashing for some time now (since he
stopped the mass mailings the first time), and we can not really control the
words/actions of a few listmembers who may privately decide to continue
speeking ill of Jeroen in private emails and personal blogs, nor should we
be expected to.  All of this started again when he chose to restart the mass
mailings again (I wonder if he can see the causality there).

I will not engage in any Jeroen bashing, I never have.  I just don't believe
he'll stay away from the list like he says he will.  As long as he has
access to the archives on Yahoo... I believe that he has the will to stay
away if he wanted to, but I don't see him wanting to, especially as he makes
another plee to be let back on-list in this message.  If he will, as an act
of good faith, delete the Brin-L "Wall of Shame" (AKA "About the old
Brin-L") as soon as possible, rather than a few weeks from now, I would be
more inclined to believe the authenticity of this offer he is making.
Either way, I was living up to the terms of it before, and I have no intent
of changing that.  I hope he really does live up to his side of the bargain
though, as I feel he really needs to take a step away from this list and try
to regain his perspective.  If he can regain some perspective and
demonstrate that his attitude towards the list and it's members has changed,
then I would be very willing to argue for his return to the list in the

Michael Harney

"Man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because
he had achieved so much... the wheel, New York, wars, and so on, whilst all
the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time.
But conversely the dolphins believed themselves to be more intelligent than
man for precisely the same reasons." - Douglas Adams


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