William T Goodall wrote:

"Women have overtaken men at every level of education in developed countries around the world.

It is a big problem here - the school where I work used to be clearly #1 in the state, with daylight second, and it had been that way for about 135 years, but it is now #3 in the state, simply because we are a boys school, and the 2 better performing schools from an academic and university entrance point of view are girls schools.
There's plenty of theories as to how it happenned, but no-one seems to know how to get teenaged boys to focus on their study... Funny that.

What we are seeing here is the effect of equality - girls are better at study, and now that girls have an equal opportunity to do well, they are doing just that. In other words, it was always like this, but society was hobbling the girls.

I wonder if we will eventually see a matriarchal society in developed countries - with a preponderance of female civic and commercial leaders? Would certainly change the dynamic between the developed countries and third world countries...

Russell C.

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