--- Ronn!Blankenship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 11:38 PM 9/19/03 -0700, Deborah Harrell wrote:
> >... failing to account for one
> >set of calculations done in kilometers and one in
> >miles (or feet)
> If you are thinking of the loss of the Mars Polar
> Lander, I believe it was 
> actually confusion over whether the thrust of the
> engine was measured in 
> newtons or pounds, both of which are units of force,
> but one of which is about 4.5 times the other.

Ah.  Thanks for the correction.

> And speaking of movements . . .
> >I did not say "brown-nosing" or
> >"shmoozing."  [The hospital term for that is
> >positive!" - from a test done on stool to check for
> >blood.  ;} ]

The non-verbal way to tease someone of butt-kissing
was to whip out a guiaic card (clean, of course!) and
rub it on the teasee's nose...  ;}

Desperate 3AM Humor, In Addition to The Fake British
Accent Maru   :)

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