Jim Sharkey wrote:

Reggie Bautista wrote:

Jan Coffey wrote:
more vulcan flesh, show more vulcan flesh

Jim Sharkey replied:
Ahh, the sweet smell of pandering. :)

Even with the increased pandering this season, the first couple of episodes have been much improved over last season...

True. Though after a strong start in the first season, last season was a big disappointment. Personally, I think the ST people need to hire some new blood for the writing pool. Still, I'm willing to see how things go, since the first couple of episodes have been decent.

Well after a very long wait finally one of our commercial channels threw us a bone and deigned to program the first season of Enterprise. From what I've seen sofar they really shouldn't have bothered. But maybe we'll get the rest of the series as well and if it indeed improves (...how could it not? I feel that at this point any change would be an improvement) who knows I might actually get to like it.

Sonja :o)


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