* Dan Minette [Tue, 07/10/2003 at 17:02 -0500]
> OK, since we're playing the oldest stuff game here.  What is the oldest
> computer everyone here has worked on?  I think mine (which I've mentioned
> before) is the oldest, but I'd be curious to see who might beat me. :-)

Nothing exceptionnal in absolute value on my side, but I swear I was
'bleeding edge' : The first programmable thing my fingers grabbed (and
that I owned) was a TI57 circa 1976, I remember passionate conversations
with my math teacher about the compared virtues of such or such GCD or
HCF algorithm.  The first 'real' computer I used was a Logabax LX-500
near 1979, you've probably never heard of this computer, it was a Z80
based French computer, at the time we had 8 of them for the whole high
school (+2000 students). Needless to say, at the time nobody could
privateley own a computer here (at least I knew nobody in my circles).
The first computer I owned was a Atari1040 in 1988 I think.

PS: a link I found on the LX-500 


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