>Wait, wait wait. How is a "student" in a "persistent vegetative state"? I 
>not joking about this. If there are more than one percent of students who 
>have zero improvement, then maybe the "students" need physical therapists, 
>not "teachers".
>Kevin T. - VRWC

Students usually/always (?it has been a while since I have 
worked in this type of setting) have goals and measurement 
when involved in "special needs" under 18 (or 21).  The plans 
are revised every year, but progress must be made for the 
plan to be extended.  In general if there is no progress the 
individual is in a "maintenance program" where physical 
therapists are not utilized in general (more technicians- 
such as habilitation techs, aides, etc).  I can't imagine 
people in a true "vegetative state" even getting to 
conventional "schools" (school goals are only required to
relate to school functions- a soapbox for another day), 
but I have heard others generalize terms that could refer 
to individuals with low level IQ and athetoid presentation 
(lack of motor control of the bodies- "floppy type body 

Enough for now,

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