Jan wrote:

But they are not taking relativly well paid positions. They are
taking slave wages. What could possibly be right about that? And
don't start telling me how bad off their countries economy is,
becouse that is their issue. If their society could support it's own
companies without steeling the jobs from others, then there would not
be any issue here, it would be free trade and we wouldn't even be
talking about this. But that isn't the case, so we are.

Jan, wages are relative. Ritu has said that a person can eat on $1 a day in India. Here you can't get a cup of coffee for a dollar. In fact, from what I understand, the outsourced jobs pay an excellent wage in comparison with other jobs.

Remember logical and emotional responses do not necisarily have to be

That's true, but, IMO, illogical emotional responses are unproductive or even destructive.

One thing I haven't heard anyone mention is the fact that the more money once-poor countrys make in this manner, the more expendable income they have...

...and no one's an SOB 8^)

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