--- David Brin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is coldwar thinking.  Not 21st Century
> thinking.

No, it's _knowledgeable_ thinking.  It's thinking,
period, actually.
> For you to ignore the incredibly profitable and cozy
> arms relationship between Russia and China right
> now,
> by the way, is staggering.  It's the biggest flow on
> the planet and they together form a fantastically
> formidable threat.  One that was only a simmer till
> W
> came along.

Well, Dr. Brin, one of us spent a year working on
Russian economic development at the Kennedy School of
Government, and the other one of us...didn't.  So I
don't think I'm ignoring it.  I know what's going on
in it.  I've talked to people in the Russian
government about it.  And I know that the reason
they're doing it is because they're frighteningly
desperate for cash and that's the only way they can
get it.  That the Rusisan military has told the
Kremlin, these are the weapons that the Chinese are
going to use to attack us, and been told in response
that if they _don't_ sell those weapons, then the
factories will have to shut down.  

Aside from which, armies are more than weapons.  But,
to put the disparity in context, _if_ the Chinese
actually manage to buy the weapons they are planning
on buying, then by 2015 they will have approximately
400 fourth-generation military aircraft.  That should
prepare them _really well_ to face the United States'
esimated 3500 _fifth_ generation aircraft at the same
point in time.  Facts are facts.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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