Andrew, Benjamin, Doug et al --

So, at least you're warm.  Your ger looks quite cozy -- right down to the
nice fabric on the walls =+)).  Going *between* the ger (or is it gers)
would be something else.

The Engineer was quite intrigued by your whole set up, Mining Engineering
being his first certification (Environmental being his second).  We want to
know just how this 'water bore' works.  He had a different idea than I
did...  And where do the horses get their water?

What a neat thing to do.  We used to do the more adventurous type of job
postings, but not ever as exotic as Mongolia.  I hope you're not there long
enough to get prairie fever.

Benjamin -- I missed the GMA piece, as I'm on the digest and didn't get it
until after the program aired.  I couldn't get the video to d/l, either.
I'm always interested in new neuro developments.  Does this scan work on
brain stem and spinal cord as well?  Does it help as a dx tool for surgery?

Doug -- We're all fine here.  It's been well below freezing for *TWO* days,
and we're just not used to that here in Cascadia.  The Engineer is out now
hooking a light bulb up to heat the birdbath, so the wild things will be
able to drink. (We just had a very annoyed Steller Jay standing on the ice
telling us something was wrong).

The grandson is too wonderful for words.  I wish I had a way to post y'all a
picture so you could see the worlds smartest,  most trustworthy.  most
loyal, most helpful , friendliest, most courteous , kindest, most obedient,
most cheerful, most thrifty, bravest, cleanest and most reverent baby.  We
look after him two days a week while mom goes to pottery and to work out.  I
hadn't forgotten how much work babies were, but what I did misestimate was
my own stamina -- I am very happy to see my daughter show up in the
afternoons.  At seven months, he's getting a little hard on the back.  Hats
off to all younger moms out there --- Julia!


Jo Anne


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