Jo Anne wrote:

Doug -- We're all fine here. It's been well below freezing for *TWO* days, and we're just not used to that here in Cascadia. The Engineer is out now hooking a light bulb up to heat the birdbath, so the wild things will be able to drink. (We just had a very annoyed Steller Jay standing on the ice telling us something was wrong).

Yea we got snow in the hills here yesterday, but I've lived where it really gets cold so a few days in the thirties doesn't impress me. Why, when I was a kid... Oh, sorry, nevermind.

The grandson is too wonderful for words. I wish I had a way to post y'all a picture so you could see the worlds smartest, > most trustworthy. most loyal, most helpful , friendliest, most courteous , kindest, most obedient, most cheerful, most >thrifty, bravest, cleanest and most reverent baby.

Geeze, he'll be an eagle scout by next week!

We look after him two days a week while mom goes to pottery and to work out. I hadn't forgotten how much work babies were, but what I did misestimate was my own stamina -- I am very happy to see my daughter show up in the afternoons. At seven months, he's getting a little hard on the back. Hats off to all younger moms out there --- Julia!

We've taken care of Ethan many times already and he's very easy to take care of. He has a smile for just about everyone and rarely cries. I really think that Granparenting is one of lifes big payoffs!


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