On 7/22/06, jdiebremse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Of course your found it intriguing.  I am sure it is a very comforting
bedtime story that Democrats are smart and Republicans stupid, and
that if everyone had access to the truth, then we'd all be Democrats.

Aside from the fact that it wasn't about smart and stupid or access to
truth... You seem to be saying that I only found it intriguing because it
fits my view of the world.  So, you think it's bad to focus on sources of
information that tell you what you want to hear?  Which was the point, of

Poll after poll shows that a lot of people in this country believe important
things that are factually incorrect... things that the White House, Fox and
others have said were true and/or refuse to disavow.  That seems like a
rather large problem for a democracy.  Don't you think so?  Or maybe that's
just the way things have always been and democracy has survived it, so we
shouldn't be particularly concerned?


Nick Arnett
Messages: 408-904-7198

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