> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Richard Baker
> Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2006 8:32 AM
> To: Killer Bs Discussion
> Subject: Re: The Morality of Killing Babies
> > My atheist father used to tell me that "might makes right" is a bad
> > philosophy?  Why?
> Isn't "might makes right" basically the religious position? "I believe
> in an all-powerful God. That God says these things are good and those
> are evil, therefore I believe these are good and those are evil." 

No, that's not the position.  OK, it might actually be the practical
position for some people, but it is real bad theology and has not been
proposed in any serious work in Christianity that I'm aware of.

I think the most critical question involved is the understanding of the
transcendental:  Truths that are true, whether or not they are believed by
humans, or even whether they are perceived by humans; Reality that exists
apart from our perception.

In this framework, God is associated with the basis of reality and truth.
One way to look at it is to think of God as truth, righteousness, and love
that possesses self awareness.

Human words tend to picture God as a really really powerful being that is
otherwise much like us.  In particular, SciFi can often picture God as
really a mundane being with tremendous power.  

But, the Christian concept of God transcends this.  Thus, we see Jesus'
command to his disciples boil down to "love one another."  We see Jesus
saying "I am the Way the Truth and the Light."  The concept of God is not an
uberhuman, but something that transcends all descriptions....that we can
only get a glance of.

Dan M.


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