Hello, HELLO... earth calling ethereal c

On Sep 7, 2006, at 10:00 PM, John W Redelfs wrote:

On 9/7/06, Richard Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

And there in fact is a rational argument in favour of vegetarianism,
because a given area of land can feed more vegetarians than meat
eaters essentially because of thermodynamics. More solar energy gets
into plants used as human food than into plant-eating animals used as
human food.

So what? In the USA people need to eat less anyway. And globally, there needs to be a reduction in population that could most easily be effected by
widespread starvation.  People extol the virtues of abortion and birth
control, but doesn't starvation, disease and war control over population just as well? I fail to see the advantages of birth control and abortion. That is, I would if I did not believe that every human being on this earth is a child of the same Heavenly Father and hence truly brothers and sisters.

John W. Redelfs                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What an amazingly callous thing for a proponent of sartorial living.
That you can equate the death of a newly gelling organiform - not even a fetus - with a child suffering war and disease is amazing. On a simple neuron-count alone wouldn't the grown and raised child have a lot more pain to feel than the empty vessel just starting in a womb? What is this, if God won't smite them, I will?!?

Such family values!

Can you please rethink and restate this?

- Jonathan -


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