On 9/7/06, The Fool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: John W Redelfs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I confess that I do not know as much about atheism as an atheist does,
or a
> least not as much that is correct.  But neither do atheists know as much
> about religion as religious people do, at least not as much that is
> correct.  Some things you cannot understand correctly from the outside
> looking in.  In all advanced fields of learning including both science
> religion, most of the knowledge can be learned only after learning the
> prerequisites.  Without those prerequisites, a student must remain
> ignorant.  I know some science, but not much beyond the level of my
> mathematics which only goes as far as high school algebra, geometry and
> trigonometry.  However, I know the scriptures rather well compared with
> most.  And one thing I can state with dead certainty:  The scriptures
> cannot be correctly understood unless you believe them.  Therefore,
> made about religion (scriptures) by atheists are almost always made from
> position of bustling ignorance.

A. I know more about 'scripture' than you do.  Much more.

B. I've read the bible, more times than you will for the entire rest of

C. I've read more about the bible than you ever will.

D. I Own more translations of the Bible than there are regulars on this

E. You know nothing.  You are a Fvcking idiot and a troll.

It is not hard for me to see why you use the "handle" that you do in email.
Think about  what you have just written.  How could you be sure you know
more about scripture than I do when you do not know how much I know?  How
could you know you have read the Bible more times than I have when you do
not know how many times I have read it?  Ditto to your assertion labeled "C"
above.  As for your assertion labeled "D," does owning many translations
necessarily mean that you understand any of them?  It seems to me that a
person might become confused if he owned too many translations, especially
if he had no criteria for knowing which of the translations were any good.
Have you ever considered that all of the translations might be bad?  If that
were so, just how much would your knowledge of the Bible be worth then?

Is every one you disagree with a <lowbrow explitive deleted> idiot and a
troll?  Or just me?  You strike me as a person who thinks himself much
smarter than he really is and much better educated than is the actual case.
Your opinions might be a bit more convincing if they were expressed with a
little more humility.  As my Uncle Bob used to say, "It isn't what you don't
know that hurts you.  It's what you know that's not so."

Lots of people know a great deal more than I do.  I'm sure that you do.  I
do not know very much.  Hardly anything.  But I suspect that a great deal of
what you know is false, perhaps all of it or nearly all of it.  If that is
the case, then your lofty education really isn't much of an education at

John W. Redelfs                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe
we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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