Pat wrote:

>  I have a Sony 505. The books on my reader are on my reader and on my
> desktop, not on my account on someone else's server. If anyone wants to
> delete them [think 1984] or whatever, they have to physically steal my
> reader and then delete the book. I own them outright. Nobody else has any
> rights in the copies I own except, in this state, if I had a legally married
> spouse. (Community property state).
> No one gonna take my 505 away ....
That's nice, but if I was a best selling author I think I'd be pretty
reluctant to sell my book that way for fear that someone would make copies
and give them away a la mp3 file sharing.  And unlike musicians, authors
aren't likely to make a lot of money on tour so once their book is being
distributed for free, they're SOL.

Other than the ownership factor, how do you like your reader so far?


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