Robert Millan, le Sun 16 Aug 2015 19:38:42 +0200, a écrit :
> El 16/08/15 a les 15:14, Antti Kantee ha escrit:
> >>* It includes code from other people under GPLv2; I'm not sure if this may 
> >>be an issue wrt licensing
> >>   policy of Rump as this is only targetted at the pci-userspace module. In 
> >> any case if you
> >>   think it's an issue let me know and we'll try to find a solution:
> >>   - intrthread() is heavily based on intloop() from 
> >> hurd/libddekit/interrupt.c
> >>...........
> >
> >I'm not worried about GPL, but I am worried about someone using GPL 
> >accidentally when they did not intend to.  It's better if the code can 
> >offered under LGLP, but not a requirement.  One option would be to put Hurd 
> >support under "gpl/src-hurd".  Or just be very explicit about the licensing 
> >both in LICENSE and README.
> Hi Samuel,
> According to the changelog you added this code to the Debian package in 2012. 
> The
> header in interrupt.c lists two people from University of Dresden. Given the 
> heritage of the code, I'm not sure who's the author of intloop() routine, as 
> it
> is mostly Gnumach-aware code and seems unlikely to be part of DDE per se.
> Do you recall where it came from?

intloop is Zheng Da work.


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