
Don't you have to provide an argument for \mark, I thought?

I am not familiar with 2.18.2, but in 2.19.48 you do:

Processing `/tmp/frescobaldi-pofhqya8/tmp1asznm_p/document.ly'
/tmp/frescobaldi-pofhqya8/tmp1asznm_p/document.ly:4:20: error: wrong type
for argument 1.  Expecting number or markup, found (make-music (quote
\new Staff { \mark 
                   | c4 c c c | r1 | \mark c4 c c c |  }
/tmp/frescobaldi-pofhqya8/tmp1asznm_p/document.ly:4:44: error: wrong type
for argument 1.  Expecting number or markup, found (ly:make-pitch -1 0)
\new Staff { \mark | c4 c c c | r1 | \mark 
                                           c4 c c c |  }
Interpreting music...
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Finding the ideal number of pages...
Fitting music on 1 page...
Drawing systems...
Layout output to `/tmp/lilypond-jzd1sq'...
Converting to `document.pdf'...
fatal error: failed files:


-----Original Message-----
From: bug-lilypond
[mailto:bug-lilypond-bounces+andrew.bernard=gmail....@gnu.org] On Behalf Of
Christopher Heckman
Sent: Sunday, 16 October 2016 12:13 PM
To: bug-lilypond@gnu.org
Subject: Mark / Barcheck Bug (#1626) Appearing Again

This was mentioned about five years ago, but I re-discovered it. Does the
so-called patch fix this? The bug is as follows:

Placing the \mark can have an effect on the bar check. If you run Lilypond
with the following code, the barcheck will fail exactly once.

--- CCH

\new Staff { \mark | c4 c c c | r1 | \mark c4 c c c |  }

\version "2.18.2"

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