It is typical for users to want to store their collection of mailbox files in a separate subdir. For example I have a link ~/mailboxes -> that points to my mailboxes folder on another volume, possibly a server volume. How can this configuration be specified from the client side, e.g. from the Mozilla server settings for the IMAP server? Shouldn't the user be able to simply specify "mailboxes" or "~/mailboxes" for their home "server directory"? I want to avoid hardcoding the default subdir string in env_unix.c since each user may have a different subdir name (personal choice) and want to avoid server-side config files (admini headache.) Why am I (and so many other users it seems) having difficulty configuring this from the mail client side?

If I set "mailboxes" as the server home in Mozilla, I am able to subscribe to/see all and only my mail folders, but I am only able to access ~/INBOX (which is its own link to ~/mailboxes/Inbox). All other mailbox files are inaccessible even though they show up in the subscribe list. If this is a Mozilla bug can someone at least explain how it 'should' work, i.e. how the 'home dir' and 'namespace' settings plus the mailbox name should map to the unix path for the file? Isn't just a simple catenation?


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