Mark Crispin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Thu, 16 Oct 2003, Nicolas Kowalski wrote:
>> My question is : how can I stop the IMAP processes on the server, and
>> keep the mailboxes consistent ?
> The answer is: don't stop the IMAP processes.  Let them continue to run.
> You'll generally do more harm by stopping them than you will by letting
> them run the old version.  If you absolutely must stop an IMAP process,
> sending it a HUP signal is better than some other way.

I was not aware of this fact. I'll keep it in mind for later

> The correct thing to do is just to replace the binaries.  Instead of
> trying to overwrite the old binaries (which you can't do because of the
> "text file busy" condition), either rename or delete the old binaries then
> install the new ones.
> For example, here is what I do.  This may be a bit more elaborate than
> what you want, but it will give you the general idea.  You don't have to
> copy this verbatim (in fact, you shouldn't!!) but rather just use it as an
> example of a real-life sysadmin maintenance of the imapd binary.
>       rm imapd.oold
>       cp /usr/src/imap-2003/imapd/imapd
>       mv imapd.old imapd.oold
>       mv imapd imapd.old;ln imapd
> is always the "new" version and is generally the running
> production version.  imapd.old is the "old" version for possible rollback
> if the new version has a problem, and imapd.oold is the second older
> version.  A rollback is accomplished with:
>       rm imapd;ln imapd.old imapd
> Note that I do the actual replacement of imapd (a two instruction process)
> in a single command line.  That's to minimize the amount of time that
> there isn't an imapd binary.

I know how to do a clean upgrade now. :-)

Many thanks for your reply.


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