
I wonder if anybody can help me with this. Using imap-2002e I'm trying to setup sendmail with tmail in such a way that an mbx format INBOX will be created automatically if it isn't there. Here's what I've tried.

In the new spirit of sendmail I edited an .mc file with the following options:

define(`LOCAL_MAILER_PATH', `/opt/UW-imap/sbin/tmail')
define(`LOCAL_MAILER_ARGS',`tmail -I "#driver.mbx/INBOX" $u')

This results in the following Mlocal declaration:

Mlocal, P=/opt/UW-imap/sbin/tmail, F=lsDFMAw5:/|@qPnr, S=EnvFromL/HdrFromL, R=EnvToL/HdrToL,
C=ISO-8859-15, T=DNS/RFC822/X-Unix,
A=tmail -I "#driver.mbx/INBOX" $u

Note the -I flag passed to tmail! When I try to deliver mail this way, I always get the error "missing argument to -I". Here's some debugging output from sendmail:

openmailer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: flags=0,
       errno=104, herrno=0, exitstat=75, state=0, pid=22971,
       maxsize=0, phase=client greeting, mailer=local,
       status=4.4.2, rstatus=NULL,
       host=NULL, lastuse=Fri Oct 17 17:30:14 2003

The only way I've found to deliver to an mbx format INBOX is to change the declaration to

define(`LOCAL_MAILER_ARGS',`tmail $u')

and to create the INBOX in advance.

Is that really how it is or have I overlooked anything?

Thanks, Sebastian
Sebastian Hagedorn              PGP key ID: 0x4D105B45
Ehrenfeldgürtel 156
50823 Köln
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