There is a way. You have to dig down into the code and change "CREATEPROTO"
and "EMPTYPROTO" from mbox to mbx. Assuming your in *nix you'll have to go
to src/osdep/unix/env_unix.c or something similar to do this. If you want
mail to live in a subdirectory called "mail" in each users home dir then you
must change src/osdep/unix/Makefile to reflect this as well.

Which brings me to a question: why can't these options be passed in to
UW-IMAP as compile-time switches? Every single time there's a new release I
have to delve into the code and change these flags, and I'm sure I'm not the
only one. It would be one thing if they were really esoteric things, but
they aren't: they're very basic, important changes that make UW-IMAP usable
on production servers.

What can be done to change this so that these things can be made much easier
to setup? I understand the goal of wanting out-of-the-box functionality but
that really shouldn't come at the expense of ease-of-use and intuitive
design. I find this frustrating, as UW-IMAP is literally the only mature
software package I use with an antiquated build system.

Mark, you tend to answer these sort of requests/constructive criticisms
tersely; I respectfully ask that you consider making these kinds of changes,
as they would benefit the entire community of users who depend on your
otherwise excellent software.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Imre Gergely" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Sebastian Hagedorn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 1:02 AM
Subject: Re: mailbox format problems

> On Mon, 8 Dec 2003, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:
> > The mailbox in /var/spool/mail has to be in mbox format. If you want to
> > have an mbx INBOX, you need to create an mbx file named
> > Mail will be slurped into that file from /var/spool/mail each time the
> > INBOX is accessed.
> ok, it works this way. thanks.
> and it works only _this_ way, no other way? i mean i have to create home
> dirs for each and every user whom i want to use this mbx format? there's
> no way to tell imap/pop3/sendmail to use mbx directly in /var/spool/mail?
> another q: if i have .procmailrc, and i'm sorting my mail to ~/mail/* with
> it, how can i use dmail/tmail to put those mailboxes in mbx format? and
> will i be able to open them with imap? (ie in outlook, after subscribing
> to those folders)
> -- 
> Gergely Imre                       email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> sysadmin   mobile: +40-745-105592, office: +40-266-317500
> Nextra Tele Com SRL   str. Florilor 28/1, 4100 M-Ciuc, RO
>                 ICQ# 101510959

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