On Tue, 9 Dec 2003, Nick Hodulik wrote:

> There is a way. You have to dig down into the code and change "CREATEPROTO"
> and "EMPTYPROTO" from mbox to mbx. Assuming your in *nix you'll have to go
> to src/osdep/unix/env_unix.c or something similar to do this. If you want
> mail to live in a subdirectory called "mail" in each users home dir then you
> must change src/osdep/unix/Makefile to reflect this as well.

Before you tell people to do this, you might want to go read the
documentation to find out why setting EMPTYPROTO to "mbx" is meaningless
and wrong.


Dave Funk                                  University of Iowa
<dbfunk (at) engineering.uiowa.edu>        College of Engineering
319/335-5751   FAX: 319/384-0549           1256 Seamans Center
Sys_admin/Postmaster/cell_admin            Iowa City, IA 52242-1527
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Better is not better, 'standard' is better. B{

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