On Thu, 3 Feb 2005 00:09:38 +0100 Frode Nordahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

FN> Many. I'm working at one of the largest ISPs in Norway, and we take 
FN> pride in allways attempting to do things the right way, following 
FN> standards, and generally being nice internet citizens.

 My sincere congratulations. But you also should know how rare this
behaviour is. And, moreover, you probably don't use server broken in such
bad way anyhow because you know what you're doing. ISPs running the servers
like this one do not. And in my experience they don't care.

FN> However, with your attitude towards the problem, no one will change.

 This attitude comes from experience. It may be lesser than that of MRC but
it is not negligible. I'd rather spend time on writing code and improving
my program (for which I don't have enough time now) instead of wasting time
with that ISP.

FN> (Although it might seem that way if you try to fight your way up from 
FN> first line support or sales contacts).

 It certainly seems this way to me. After trying to discuss with a few of
them in the past I am not about to repeat this (painful) experience. Please
don't forget that this is not my work and there is a limit to the time I
can spend helping a user of my program.

 Quoting Mark Crispin:

MRC> Time and time again, I hear "our server works with Outlook and
MRC> Thunderbird, therefore the bug is in Pine; so we're not going to
MRC> change our server or even look any further."

 If he (knowing who he is and all that) keeps hearing this, how many
chances of success do I have? Let's be reasonable for a change...

FN> You are free to do whatever you want, but I am glad to see that 
FN> c-client will never grow such defects.

 This would be a defect in a server. I still have no idea why allowing the
user to override a badly broken server behaviour from his client is a
defect. And so far I still see no reason for a user (knowing that he is
careless enough to use POP, to use clear text auth, and to use such broken
server) to not do it. And no other workaround, except for switching to
another client.


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