
This relates more to the mbx-format supported by UW's imapd than to
c-client, so I'll be brief.

We make extensive use of mbx in our environment, and we occassionally run
into corrupt mailboxes.  Like many other sites, we've developed an
in-house tool for automating some of the repair process with mbx-format
mail folders.  In the hopes that someone else will find it useful, we're
making our mbx-repair script available.

The script is written in perl, and uses a perl module I wrote, which
I'm calling IMAP-UW-Mailutil, to talk to the `mailutil' program.  It's
mailutil that does all the work.

Both the script and the perl module are available at

I would consider both the script and the module to be "beta" quality.
We've been using both in our environment for several months without
problems, but there's plenty of room for improvement in both.  Both
are licensed under the same license as perl itself.

Comments, suggestions and feedback welcome!

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