Guys, thanks for the suggestions and reminders to improving the CAF web
site - I know it's out of date - I will try to update it within the next day
or two - also to get the picture up from the CAF-a-thon.

> If you like (I do this a lot), you could put the web site in perforce and
> setup a cronjob (very simple script) to update the site every minute.

I am currently hosting the pages on a box that I have very little access
to (only FTP and HTTP), and on which running cron jobs or installing
perforce clients would be impractical.

If someone has more feature-rich webspace somewhere, I would be
delighted to relocate the site.  (And if that someone also wants to
maintain the web content, that would be super-nifty too :)

If we have to keep the site where it is, I guess another option for
putting it under version control would be to create some sort of "push"
solution, where the updating cron job runs on another machine and
uploads fresh content to the web site when necessary.


Michael Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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