On Fri, Dec 09, 2005 at 05:44:20PM -0500, Michael Graham wrote:
> However, I have two minor points that I brought up before.
> First off, for the test scripts, I don't think the test SQLite database
> should be stored in blib.  That directory belongs to Module::Build, and
> the test scripts should stay out of it.
> The issue is that the test sqlite_db file is under the control of
> perforce, right?

Yes, just that it's read-only.  But now that Makefile.PL file has been
removed I find that

    ./Build disttest

works fine since it copies all the test files into a directory like
CGI-Application-Framework-0.27 and runs the tests in there.

So change 1905 could be undone and we can run the tests that way in our
perforce workspaces.

I don't think either point should be a showstopper for a release,

Rick Delaney
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