I'm designing my site and at the moment all news is posted via the
phpBB forum; the main site just pulls out the right stuff and replies
show up as comments.

The problem is I'm finding it impossible to use Cake for everything and
then continue to do this using its built in db handling. This is the
query I'd like to do:

SELECT DISTINCT phpbb_topics.topic_id, topic_title, post_text FROM
phpbb_topics INNER JOIN phpbb_posts ON
(phpbb_posts.topic_id=phpbb_topics.topic_id) INNER JOIN
phpbb_posts_text ON (phpbb_posts_text.post_id=phpbb_posts.post_id)
WHERE phpbb_topics.forum_id=17 GROUP BY phpbb_topics.topic_id ORDER BY
topic_time DESC LIMIT 0,19

I've got the phpBB db listed in the Cake db file and am assigning it in
the model, however findBySql() is no longer supported and query() just
returns true or false. Neither are documented in the API. Is there
another option?

How would you suggest running the above query and getting the data set?


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