Hey Adam, thanks for the feedback.  I look forward to seeing your

Lately we have been working on some basic support for alternative
methods of doing things in JavaScript.  For example,
JavascriptHelper::event now supports both Prototype-style events (the
default) and Justin Palmer's event:Selectors using an alternative
syntax.  We're also looking into the possibility of adding basic
support for jQuery.

While the core libraries will always be focused around Prototype and
script.aculo.us, as the framework grows, more people will develop
support for alternative libraries.  I believe there are several on
CakeForge already (the Xajax package comes to mind).

FYI: one other way to "disable" the timer comment block (what I
normally do) is put a // at the end of the action template that outputs
the JSON.  This seems to be the quickest and easiest, and so far it's
never given me any trouble.

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