Is there any way to use saveField without having my 'modified' column
updated? Looking at the save() method, I thought, at first, that this
should work:

$this->User->saveField('last_login', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
array('fieldList' => array('last_login')));

However, it's disregarded. The block that sets the modified column begins with:

if ($this->hasField($updateCol) && !in_array($updateCol, $fields)) {

... meaning, if I don't provide the modified column, it will be
updated. As I'm using saveField, there's no way to do so.

Shouldn't there be an option to override Cake's default behavior?
While I'd normally like 'modified' to be updated, it's superfluous in
this instance, as I don't consider this to be a modification to the
User model, per se.

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